What is blockchain technology?

 What is blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology is a modern database system that lets transparent information sharing in a business network. A blockchain database keeps data in blocks that are joined all together in a chain. The data is sequentially consistent because you are unable to delete or change the chain without any agreement from the network. As a result, you can use blockchain technology to make a fixed or unchangeable ledger to track orders, payments, accounts, and other businesses. The system is made using tools that avoid uncertified transactions and stable the shared view of the transactions.

What is the importance of blockchain?

General database models make several challenges to recording financial transactions.  For example think of the saling a property. When the money has been exchanged the possession of the assesst moves to the buyer. Separately, both of the buyers and the seller can note the financial transactions, but not either the source can be sure. The seller can declare that , money is not recived though they got it. And also buyers can say that they have paid money without doing so.

To stop prospective legal issues, an ensured third party should administer and confirm the transaction. The existence of this central power not only messes up the transactions but also makes a single point of accountability. If the main database was negotiated both of them could affect.

Blockchain reduces such problems by creating a separate, locked system to keep records of transactions. In the transaction structure, blockchain makes one registry for both buyer and seller. All transactions should be confirmed by both sides and automatically get updated in both registries concurrently. If there is any earlier abuse, the transactions will pay off the whole registry. These features of blockchain technology bring its use in different sectors, like creating digital currency such as Bitcoin.

How do different industries use blockchain?

Blockchain is an arising technology that is being affected in progressive methods by different industries. There are described some use cases in various industries in the below sections.


Blockchain is used in energy companies to build peer to peer energy exchanging platforms and efficient access to renewable energy. As an example check the below given uses:

  • Blockchain-based energy companies have made a trading platform to do the sales of electricity among individuals. The solar panel owners in their homes use this platform to sell the extra energy to their neighbors. This process is mechanically done: smart meters creators transactions, and the recodes are done by blockchain.
  • With blockchain dependent on crowdfunding enterprises, users can fund and get solar panels in communities that have no energy access. Sponsors will get reny for those communities when the solar panel is built.


General financial systems like banks and stock changes have got blockchain services to do their online payments, accounts, and market tradings. Think about the Singapore Exchange Limited, an investment holding company that gives financial trading services in Asia. They use blockchain technology to make a well-organized interbank payment account. Through blockchain, they have done many changes like batch processing and manual conciliation of thousands of financial transactions.

 Media and entertainment

Media and entertainment companies use blockchain systems to control copyright data. Copyright verification is analytical for the fair payement of the artists. It needs many transactions to find the sale or transfer of copyrighted content. Sony Music Entertainment Japan is using blockchain to create digital rights management more systematically. They have been using the blockchain procedure to develop productivity and reduce the costs of copyright procedures.


Retail companies use the blockchain to record the exchange of goods among suppliers and buyers. As an example, Amazon retail has got a  patent for the distributed ledgers technology system that uses blockchain to ensure all items sold inside the platform are genuine. Amazon suppliers can make the map of global suppliers by letting participants like manufacturers, couriers, distributors, end users, and secondary users add events to the ledger after being registered to the certified authority.

What is blockchain technology?

What are the features of blockchain technology?

Blockchain planning has the below main aspects


Decentralization in blockchain sites to transfer of control and planning from a centralized entity to an allocated network. (individual, organization, or group) Decentralised s blockchain uses transparency to lower the need for the trust of the participants. These networks discourage the participants from authority or control. This breaks down the functionality of the network.


Immutability means that something is unable to change or alter. Participants cannot interfere with the transactions once it is recorded in the shared ledger. If there is any error in a record, you have to add a new transaction to correct the mistake, and both transactions are shown in the network.


A blockchain sets up the rules for participants to recode transactions. The new transactions can be recorded only when most of the participants on the network provide the agreement.

What are the main components of blockchain technology?

Blockchain architecture has the below  main sections:


A distributed ledger

This is the shared data of the blockchain network that notes the transactions kike shared files that everyone can edit. In most of the shared text editors, the ones with the editing rights can remove the entire file. Anyhow, distributed ledger technologies have tight rules when editing and how to do the editing. After recording the entries you are unable to delete them.

Smart contracts

Smart contacts are used to self-manage business contracts without the assistance of third parties. They are programs in the blockchain system that functions automatically when pre-arranged circumstances are met. They run and check if the transaction is ready to complete securely. For example, a logistics company can use a smart contract that makes the payment automatically when the goods arrive at the airport.

Public key cryptography

This is a security method to separately identify the participants of the blockchain network. This method creates two sets of keys for the members of the network. One key is the public to everyone in the network. The other one is a private key unique to every member. Both the keys work together to get data in the ledger.

Consider Marshall and Curren are two members of the network. Marshall recodes a transaction encrypted with the p[rivate key. Curren can decrypt it with her public key. In this method, Curren is sure Marshal made the transaction. Curren's public key wouldn’t have worked if Marshall's private key had been interfered with.

 Frequently asked questions

What is blockchain technology used for?

Blockchain is a shared, firm ledger that simplifies the process of recording transactions. It tracks the assets in a business network. An asset can be tangible (a house, car, cash, land) or intangible (property, patents, copyrights, branding).

What are the 4 different types of blockchain technology?

  1. Public Blockchain
  2. Private Blockchain
  3. Consortium Blockchain
  4. Hybrid Blockchain
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